Van Phuc Silk Village

Van Phuc Silk Village – Birthplace of Silk Masterpiece

If Bat Trang Village is the pottery center in Vietnam for centuries, then Van Phuc Silk Village is the birthplace of the silk masterpiece. This traditional village will not only offer a wide range of local products but will also bring you the unique atmosphere of ancient Hanoi. In today’s topic, we will cover all the information you need to know about this remarkable craft village during your travel to Hanoi.

Things to do and see in Van Phuc Village

This destination is only about 10 km from the center of Hanoi so you can travel there easily either by bus, private car or motorbike. When you reach the village, you will quickly notice the grace of the countryside in Vietnam. Van Phuc retains the striking features of Vietnamese village in the past with old banyan tree, water well, village gate, and communal house. It is a perfect opportunity to capture this picturesque scene in Vietnam.

Van Phuc Gate

However, Besides contemplate the countryside, you will also have a chance to see how local people live. A surprising fact is that nearly 70% of the household are producing silk or trading one. As a result, it is not difficult to spot a weaving factory in a local house from the noisy sound of the production. You can also visit the house and ask the weaver or family member about the traditions of the village.

Weaving Machine in the Village

If you interested in handicraft, your travel to Vietnam may not complete without shopping in the local market of Van Phuc Village. Van Phuc silk is well-known in Vietnam for its light-weight, softness, and elegance. Here, there are a hundred types of products presenting in different colors and sizes. Locals are also beginning to increase their products so that they can compete in today’s market. As such, you can find high-quality silk satisfying your need as a souvenir or to make clothes from quality material. Moreover, it is possible to find other authentic silk products as well, such as clothes, towels, ties and so forth.

Finding Souvenirs

Wide Variety of Colors and Sizes

The charming beauty of Van Phuc silk

Their production process is extremely complicated since local always aim at the highest quality of silk. The weaver must be patient, careful, hard-working, and skillful since the silk thread can be cut easily. Producing the best silk also requires a total concentration and an eye for art. It is hard to describe by word, but you can visit the village to witness yourself. After difficult work, the final products will have all the quintessence of traditional Vietnamese silk, smooth, light, durable.

Concentrating on the Work

There is a wide variety of silk with different features and uniqueness. The most famous of all is cloud silk which is very thin, soft and has decorations like the crane, flowers on the surface. This type of silk is not only suitable for the summer but also can be worn during the winter season. Brocade is thicker than cloud silk and has different colors. Decorations such as butterfly, daisy, crane embroidered on the brocade are very difficult to make. Thus, Van Phuc brocade is often designed for luxurious customers.

Beautiful Cloud Silk

The Thousand-year-old Village

It is clear that Van Phuc Village is one of the most ancient villages in Vietnam, even surpass Bat Trang Pottery Village. Before Thang Long(Hanoi) was established, La Thi Nga, wife of a Chinese general, had taught the people in Van Bao (now is Van Phuc) silk weaving and encouraged them to continue this craft. Since then, silk weaving had slowly become the traditional craft of the local and Van Phuc Silk Village was founded.

Van Phuc Village was famous many centuries ago, especially during the Nguyen Dynasty. At that time, tailors in the village were chosen to produce clothes for the royalty and nobility in Vietnam. From Hue in the South, the king requested for gauze and brocade by sending an envoy to Van Phuc.

King's Coat during Nguyen Dynasty

During the French colonial time, silk from Van Phuc was first displayed to the eyes of foreigners in Marseille and Paris exhibition and was considered highly by the French. Afterward, since 1958, Van Phuc products had been traded in Northern Europe and expanded in many other countries in the world.

The Pride of Vietnam after Thousand Years

Now, this unique village has proved to be a silk center of Vietnam with many quality products. Whenever you are ready, you can pay a visit to Van Phuc Village at any time. For more useful travel tips and blogs, you can check out our Hanoi Travel Guide.

Source: Excursion Vietnam

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